I created VlConvert, which converts Vega-Lite specifications to Vega, SVG, and PNG. VlConvert was made the default static image export engine in Altair 5.
I created VegaFusion, which provides serverside acceleration of the Vega visualization grammar.
Kaleido is a library for static image export of web-based visualization libraries with zero system dependencies.
I integrated RAPIDS technologies into the Datashader Python library to enable GPU acceleration.
I developed the majority of the Plotly backend for the HoloViews Python library. Later, I added support for integrating interactive HoloViews visualizations into Dash apps.
I added the initial version of the link_selections
function to HoloViews.
This function automates the process of linking selection across a collection of
HoloViews visualizations.
Spatialpandas is a Python library that provides Pandas and Dask extensions for vectorized spatial and geometric operations. It was originally developed to support distributed spatial indexing for the Datashader project.
I developed FigureWidget, which integrates Jupyter Widgets functionality into the core plotly Python library. This was released as part of plotly.py version 3.0.
I developed the Plotly parallel categories (parcats) trace. This is an interactive chart type for visualizing multidimensional categorical datasets.
I developed an API and the low-level algorithms to support rendering quadmesh and polygon glyphs in the Datashader python library.
I wrote the underlying plotly.py renderers framework which allows plotly figures to be displayed in a wide variety of contexts.
I developed a JupyterLab extension for editing Plotly charts, based on the plotly React Chart Editor.
I developed Jupyter Dash to make it easy to develop Plotly Dash apps interactively from within Jupyter environments (e.g. classic Notebook, JupyterLab, Visual Studio Code notebooks, nteract, PyCharm notebooks, etc.).
I developed Databricks Dash to make it easy to develop Plotly Dash apps interactively from within a Databricks notebook environment. This library is currently proprietary and included with Dash Enterprise.
I contributed enhancements to the pandas and Dask open source projects to add support for performing sort, groupby, and merge operations on a combination of columns and index levels.